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Fig. 1 | BMC Molecular and Cell Biology

Fig. 1

From: ILK supports RhoA/ROCK-mediated contractility of human intestinal epithelial crypt cells by inducing the fibrillogenesis of endogenous soluble fibronectin during the spreading process

Fig. 1

Effect of ILK silencing on structural and morphological characteristics of HIEC cells. (a to d) HIEC were transfected with 20 nM of control, non-interfering siRNA (siCNS) or an siRNA directed against ILK expression (siILK). a Western blot (WB) analysis of ILK protein levels in whole-cell lysates of siCNS and siILK cells 48 h after the transfection. β-actin protein levels were used as the loading control. b Inverted contrast microscopy images of siCNS and siILK cells grown on plastic dishes. c Immunofluorescence (IF) microscopy images of the actin cytoskeleton (TRITC-phalloidin; red) and vinculin (anti-vinculin antibody; green) staining in siCNS and siILK cells grown for 24 h on serum-pretreated glass coverslips (4% serum-containing medium). Arrows in siCNS point to ventral stress fibers (actin) and elongated mature FA (vinculin). White arrowheads in siILK point to a cell with an orthogonal type of actin fiber network (actin) associated with FA (vinculin), while red arrowheads point to a cell with a cortical actin ring (actin) and associated FX (vinculin). d IF microscopy images of ILK staining detected in siCNS and siILK cells grown for 24 h on serum-pretreated glass coverslips. Scale bar in (b, c, and d): 15 μm

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